
I don't understand

I just do not understand why some people have to be so vulgar when they are posting things to a internet blog. I am on a different blog system where friends mostly can see my comments and there is one person that constantly talkes about her church and then writes some really vulgar things, especially in the way of language. Now I am not saying that I am perfect in my language as a Christian most of the time either, but give me a break. If you are going to write that crap all of the time, either you are one huge pity party which I have no time for, or you are just plain stupid and incompitent.
I hear this stuff enough all of the time and just get tired of reading it and Ihave offended some people asking this person not to post this kind of stuff, but that is ok too. I realize that they have the right to post whatever they want, I just do not have to read it.
I guess I will get off of my soapbox for now since today has been a really great day. We had a presentation at Lake Carolina Elementary School this morning and it went really well. They have sponsored a guide dog in training and we went there to show them a working guide dog and the kids and teachers alike were really enamored with Major and how well behaved he was and how well he worked. I really love doing this kind of thing because I am so passionate about guide dogs and the school that I attended for Major as well.
To me it is a privilege and a joy to do this kind of thing and I am really proud to represent Southeastern Guide Dogs because of the great training and dog that they have given me.

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