
Another really long night

It was another really long night last night. After watching the finale of the Biggest Loser, Sue decided that we needed to finish up the last evaluation that she was in charge of. This one took much longer than the previous one we tackled on Sunday night. We started around 10:00 and did not finish until 3:00. I am really tired today and ahve just dragged and do not plan to even ride my exercise bike. I am going to go and get the mail and the trash can and just crash again. I know that Sue slept just about all day yesterday because she had the flu bug and just needed to sleep, but I had not slept at all yesterday and that made a big difference and the only way that I made it through all of it was to make a pot of coffee. Sue said it might keep me u all night long and I told her that was the plan and as sleepy and tired as I was getting, it was effecting my typing as well so the caffeine helped too.
I hope she had a better day today and will be going to the store this afternoon because there are things we need here for the house too.

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