
Christmas is over

Christmas is over and done with for another year. I really love the season, but frankly am happy that all of the running around is done with. I went to my family's last Sunday without Sue because she ahd the flu all week long and we did not want to expose my dad to it because of all of his health issues and then later went back on Christmas Eve for dinner. It was really good and one brother had taken hiss kids to Charleston and had brought back a bushel of oysters which we steamed, and let me tell you, those things were really good too. We spent Christmas Day with Sue's mom and had dinner and brakfast with her brother and sister-in-law and then Friday evening went with the remainder of Sue's other brother's family at Ryan's and then went back to her mom's house for a while too. It got kind of tiring, but am thankful that most of the family live so near us that it is not that bad of a drive too.
It is nice and quiet here now and Sue is asleep. She has develped a cough this past week and has not really spept well all week and that really concerns me but until she decides to do something about it, there is not much that I can do too.


Sue is still sick

Sue is still really sick. I really think that she had no business going back to work yesterday, but she had an evaluation she had to finish up and one to finish up today but think that they are going to do a conference call alter on because she is frankly too sick to go anywhere.
We are supposed to be going to my parents house for supper on Saturday with the rest of my family and think if she is not much better that she will drop me off at mom and dad's and then go to the motel that we are planning on staying at and then get one of my brother's to drop me back off at the motel after supper. We just do not want my dad to be exposed to it if we can help it too.

The 12 Puppy Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas my puppy gave to meThe Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the second day of Christmas my puppy gave to meTwo leaking bubble lightsAnd the Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the third day of Christmas my puppy gave to meThree punctured ornamentsTwo leaking bubble lightsAnd the Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the fourth day of Christmas my puppy gave to meFour broken window candlesThree punctured ornamentsTwo leaking bubble lightsAnd the Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the fifth day of Christmas my puppy gave to meFive chewed-up stockingsFour broken window candlesThree punctured ornamentsTwo leaking bubble lightsAnd the Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the sixth day of Christmas my puppy gave to meSix yards of soggy ribbonFive chewed-up stockingsFour broken window candlesThree punctured ornamentsTwo leaking bubble lightsAnd the Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the seventh day of Christmas my puppy gave to meSeven scraps of wrapping paperSix yards of soggy ribbonFive chewed-up stockingsFour broken window candlesThree punctured ornaments
Two leaking bubble lightsAnd the Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the eighth day of Christmas my puppy gave to meEight tiny reindeer fragmentsSeven scraps of wrapping paperSix yards of soggy ribbonFive chewed-up stockingsFour broken window candlesThree punctured ornamentsTwo leaking bubble lightsAnd the Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the ninth day of Christmas my puppy gave to meMy wreath in nine piecesEight tiny reindeer fragmentsSeven scraps of wrapping paperSix yards of soggy ribbonFive chewed-up stockingsFour broken window candlesThree punctured ornamentsTwo leaking bubble lightsAnd the Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the tenth day of Christmas my puppy gave to meTen Christmas cards I shoulda mailedMy wreath in nine piecesEight tiny reindeer fragmentsSeven scraps of wrapping paperSix yards of soggy ribbonFive chewed-up stockingsFour broken window candlesThree punctured ornamentsTwo leaking bubble lightsAnd the Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the eleventh day of Christmas my puppy gave to meEleven unwrapped presentsTen Christmas cards I shoulda mailedMy wreath in nine piecesEight tiny reindeer fragmentsSeven scraps of wrapping paperSix yards of soggy ribbonFive chewed-up stockingsFour broken window candlesThree punctured ornamentsTwo leaking bubble lightsAnd the Santa topper from the Christmas tree.On the twelfth day of Christmas my puppy gave to meA dozen puppy kisses And I forgot all aboutthe other eleven days.Merry Christmas from Abe and me.


Another really long night

It was another really long night last night. After watching the finale of the Biggest Loser, Sue decided that we needed to finish up the last evaluation that she was in charge of. This one took much longer than the previous one we tackled on Sunday night. We started around 10:00 and did not finish until 3:00. I am really tired today and ahve just dragged and do not plan to even ride my exercise bike. I am going to go and get the mail and the trash can and just crash again. I know that Sue slept just about all day yesterday because she had the flu bug and just needed to sleep, but I had not slept at all yesterday and that made a big difference and the only way that I made it through all of it was to make a pot of coffee. Sue said it might keep me u all night long and I told her that was the plan and as sleepy and tired as I was getting, it was effecting my typing as well so the caffeine helped too.
I hope she had a better day today and will be going to the store this afternoon because there are things we need here for the house too.


An interesting week

It has been an interesting week so far. I helped Sue type up an evaluation on Sunday evening and it took forever, but now I can see what she goes through with those things and I don't know how she stands it all of the time too. We were supposed to finish the second one yesterday but she came home with the flu and has basically been inthe bed ever since then. I know that is not what she wanted right before Christmas vacation and our big Christmas celebration with my family as well.
I really hope that goes well because for the first time in years there has not been the horrible commotion planning it like it usually is and that has been kind of nice too.


A pet peave

I have a real pet peave with people that put music on their blogs and it covers up the text of what they have been bloggin about. Since I do not see nad use a screen reader, the music is so loud that most times I cannot hear what the text is reading to me and think that this is really inconsiderate. I don't deny that music sounds good and also creates many moods as well to fit what is being written, but when I cannot read what is written for the music, then it is fruitless to even try.
I just had to get that out of my system this morning because it is really aggravating to try and read a blog with music screaming over the top of it.


Just venting this morning

I just need to vent a little this morning and I am so glad that I have this blog to do it. Sue came home late because she was shopping after school and that was fine event hough she spent more money than she was intending, but that was ok because most of our bills so far this month are caught up and since we paid off the truck and our renter has been paying rent regularly we are ok. I am just frustrated because Sue just will not take care of herself. She ate something or did not eat something like she should have and that got her stomach all fouled up. I am so sick and tired of her being sick and tired and really wish that she would take care of herself. I really think that she has a serious sleep apnea problem. I think if she would just start using the CPAP machine I have and am no longer using, that would help her tremendously. I know that there is a lot going on at school and that she is stressed out over it and her stress relates to here at the house and I am getting stressed over her being so stressed. I will be really happy when her Christmas break gets here and then maybe she will get some rest and we can get the stuff that has been needed to be done around here for so long accomplished.
Our house looks horrible and I will gladly help her if she would just get off of her butt and turn the television off. She will turn it on and just sit there and sleep all day long and I know that is not healthy too. I really wish that she would at least ride my exercise bike for just five minutes and that would definitely hlep her to feel better too.


Ready forSue's Christmas break

I am really ready for Sue to have her Christmas break. She is really exhausted and some of it is not sleeping well and I have a sneaky feeling that she has some sleep apnea and wish that she would just start using the CPAP machine that I no longer am using. I lost so much weight that I no longer need it and sleep well and she doesn't and many nights is getting up and sleeping on the love seat inn the living room and I know that is not good too.
School has really overwhelmed her this semester and besides having some really unruly kids, she is the lead on two teacher evaluation teams that have to have their evaluations in next Monday and on top of all of that, the district is coming to see the school on Wednesday and I have a feeling that it will be more of a dog and pony show than anyting else and that just adds to the pressure of what is going on now.
I am really hoping that she can get a little rest while on vacation even though the day after she gets out of oschool, we will have my family's Christmas celebration and that is somewhat of a dog and pony show too. At least having Christmas with her mom, brother and sister-in-law won't be too much of a production and will be more of a quiet day than anything else.


About to get new internet

It has been on really frustrating day with Bellsouth, so I have decided to call Road Runner either tonight or first thing in the morning. It has gotten so bad that if I use the house phone, then I have to reboot the computer to make the internet work and I have had to do that three different times today and that has just gotten really old. They have a really good special going on right now and we can definitely afford it and that is the package I will be going with.
I am hoping that Sue has had a better day too because she was really tired last night after the PTO meeting and the meet the parents. Her one little bad boy was there with his brother and she said that it was really obvious that the foster parents did not ever discipline them and they were all over the room trying to make a mess while she was trying to talk to the foster parents and I know that she was relly frustrated with all of them by the time that she got home too and it was nearly 8:30 before she got home and that made for a really long day and I know that she was whipped.


A rather chilly day

I think that this subject says it all. It is really chilly here today and really windy and that makes it feel that much colder. I am just taking things easy today and really do not plan to go out anymore until I take Major back out later this afternoon to go potty and take some trash out as well.
We had a great Thanksgiving and Sue did not want to get up and go to work today as well, and frankly with what she has had going on lately, I cannot blame her for that too.