
Mixed emotions

I had real mixed emotions yesterday when we got all of the rest of Sue's school stuff out of the big shed. All of this work makes everything seem so final and I guess it really is. I know that she would want people to be able to use the stuff and I need the space. I know that her mom will be coming soon to get the dresser and head board for the bedroom suite and she is going to have it re-finished and use it herself and why not, because it was her mom's and I won't be using it anytime soon because I have my own stuff and some of that is in the little shed too, but will be gotten out soon enough.
I am still waiting on the gravestone to be delivered and put in place and figure that it won't be but a couple of more weeks before we hear something from that too.
I guess like my friend Tiffany who is in the middle of a divorce, I am just really ready to get on with the rest of my life and I find interesting that the girls I thought I was interested in, I am really not and am just praying for the right one to come along. She has to be really special like Sue was. I want to have fun, but am seriously looking for someone that will love me for me and not for what I can become and she needs to have the desire for a family as well as Lay Witness Missions. Seceretly I would love to date and marry Tiffany but she lives outside of Atlanta and has her law practice already set up there. I guess if it was meant to be, it could happen and that wouild not hurt my feelings and don't think it would hurt hers too, but only God really knows what is going to happen there too.

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