
A great presentation

We had a great presentation from our puppy group at the downtown library today. The kids have a story time every Saturday and then we had Major and all of our puppies that are being raised by our group. It was a lot of fun and major was great. All of the kids really loved petting him and he was the star of the show. I am hoping that we got some interest from the adults about becoming puppy raisers as well. That is something that we still definitely need more of and I was proud to represent Southeastern by doing this presentation.
I was also asked by one of the raisers who is a lawyer working for our local Protection and Advocacy agency to help draft legislation to procure entrance for puppies in training like I have with Major. We are one of a few Southeasterrn states that do not have this protection and it is great that we have a puppy raiser with these kinds of credentials. I think it will b really interesting to see if we can go ahead and get some of our legislators on board as well and that will make the process easier as well.
I really enjoyed the day and did not enjoy watching the USC-Georgia game this afternoon because frankly we did not play well and it definitely showed, but am enjoying the rest of the weekend while it is here.

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