
Feeling a little blah today

I am feeling a little blah today. I don't know if it is thefact that I am going to my friend's memorial service tomorrow or the fact that I ate too much sugar and carbohydrates yesterday and am just dragging. It was one of those don't care days and I ate more junk than I should have and I think that got me into trouble. I do this to myself periodically and it alwyas gets me into trouble and has let me know that kind of sugar is definitely something that I desperately need to leave alone or at least just have a few bites of and leave it.
I am not looking forward to attending my friend's memorial service tomorrow. I know that I need to go because how well he supported Sue, me and the rest of our team and know I need to openly support his wife and the rest of his family. It has only been a little over 10 weeks since I laid Sue to rest and this is going to be really hard, but it needs to be done too. I think once the service gets dgoing, I will be all right and will make it through. One of our team members is going to come and pick me up and I am definitely looking forward to riding with Charles and getting to know him better too and will enjoy that and I have a feeling that Major will enjoy the trip too. He travles well and will be a great help too.

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