
ultrasound over and done with

The ultrasound is over and done with. It went prety easy and now all we need are th results which will come either Monday or Tuesday. The radiologist will have to read it and then send the report to my doctor and then they will cal me with the results. If the gall bladder is bad, then I am going to see about getting the surgeon that assisted with my gastric bypass surgery and see about scheduling it as soon as we possibly can. I would love to get it out of the way if that is where we are headed.
Major was great and got lots of compliments on how nice looking he was and how well he works and that always makes me msile. It is nice tohave such a confident dog that enjoys his work too. He was really good in IHOP since I could not eat or drink anything before the test and then we went and had our Trailblzer serviced and the cashier at Herndon had to come and talk to him. I think that she would steal him if she were given half the chance. It was kind of a busy morning, but am happy to be back home too.

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